Callaloo = Amaranth = ΒΛΗΤΑ

CALLALOO = AMARANTH. Just passed a store in Astoria Queens, NY where Callaloo was for sale among other fresh produce. Love seeing wild greens as part of the food offerings in urban settings. Amaranth, a native American annual, is one of the tastiest cooked greens. I love to eat it simply sautéed in olive oil with a dash of lemon juice. It's also amazing cooked in coconut milk. It can be used in any cooked recipe to replace spinach, swiss chard, or kale (although cooks much more quickly than kale). Caribbean and West African cuisine includes plenty of callaloo. In Greece, it is eaten in abundance and called  Βλήτα. The leaf has a rich, deep, hearty green flavor, and is packed with nutrients: high in calcium, iron, beta carotene & vitamin C. 
If you can't find it at your local produce purveyor look for it in gardens, cultivated land, fields, roadsides, and abandoned lots, in full sun where the soil is fertile and well drained (although tolerates poor soil too). Note: at this time of year, it may be harder to forage for it.
~ CULINARY USES: Seedling & small tender new leaf: raw in salad or lightly cooked (better cooked). Seedling, small tender new leaf, larger leaf, tender stem, flower head, immature seed head: cooked in soup, stew, sauté, creamed, omelet, frittata, quiche, gratin, casserole. Seed: cooked.
Cautionary Note: Can concentrate nitrates
~ TO HELP WTH ID, HARVEST AND USE, here is the Amaranth Plant Map from Foraging & Feasting: A Field Guide and Wild Food Cookbook by Dina Falconi (me), illustrated by Wendy Hollender. Book link ~
~ DO YOU EAT callaloo, aka amaranth, and if yes, how so?

Amaranth-Amaranthus retroflexus.jpg