Today’s Find:
Comb Tooth: Hericium coralloides—white jewel; thank you for showing yourself today; will dehydrate
Painted Suillus: Suillus spraguei—will prob. dehydrate
Butterball: Suillus weaverae f/k/a granulatus—super abundant; will prob. dehydrate
Smooth chanterelle: Cantharellus lateritius—choice (!) into the frying pan.
Cinnabar chanterelle: Cantharellus cinnabarinus—cute little brightness
Black Trumpet: Craterellus fallax—super abundant (!); will dehydrate
Corrugated Milk Cap: Lactifluus corrugis—so good! Just sautéed this.
Hygrophorous Milky: Lactifluus hygrophoroides—choice!
Hedgehog: Hydnum umbilicatum—choice!
Chicken Mushroom: Laetiporus Cincinnatus—choice!
Honey Mushroom: Armillaria mellea—super abundant; not sure, perhaps to cook and pickle…
Birch Polypore: Piptoporus betulinus—bitter, small amounts long simmered into broth or decoctions.
What wild mushrooms are you finding lately?
#Foraging #ForagingandFeasting #DinaFalconi #WildMushroomHunting #PaintedSuillus #Suillusspraguei #Butterball #SuillusWeaverae #SuillusGranulatus
#SmoothChanterelle #CantharellusLateritius #CinnabarChanterelle #CantharellusCinnabarinus #BlackTrumpet #Craterellusfallax
#CorrugatedMilkCap #LactifluusCorrugis #HygrophorousMilky #LactifluusHygrophoroides #Hedgehog #HydnumUmbilicatum
#ChickenMushroom #LaetiporusCincinnatus
Chicken Mushroom Laetiporus cincinnatus